
Requirements for hrm toward the future report


Requirements for HRM Toward the Future Report & Presentation Assignment

Each group is required to research an issue related to one of three assigned topics (e.g. DIVERSITY, TECHNOLOGY or GLOBALIZATION]. Research will be used to prepare and deliver a group presentation AND write a short paper about an issue or aspect that is related to the chosen topic (approved by instructor). Built on ideas from class activities and discussion, the assigned readings and your own research, the paper should present and address the group's evaluation of evolving future of Human Resource practice based on some clearly identified issue or aspect that is related to the topic. For example, under the general topic of TECHNOLOGY, the group should identify a specific HR-related issue, aspect or concern that will be important or significant in future development the field of Human Resources Management as it relates to technological advances.


Prepare and deliver a 15-20 -minute overview of your paper that

introduces the topic [e.g. DIVERSITY, TECHNOLOGY or GLOBALIZATION] AND a related issue
stablishes and explains the significance of the related issue to understanding the topic,
places the topic and related issue in the context of contemporary HR - AND -
offers a critical assessment of the FUTURE role or impact (decline? greater significance?) of the overall topic and related issue

All members of the team must take an active role in the class presentation. Upload a copy of your presentation materials (if used) to Blackboard by 11:59 pm of the day BEFORE your group presentation.

Due Date for Short Paper

Submit your report to the designated location in theASSIGNMENTS area on Blackboard by 11:59 pm, on the designated date. Be check the content of your document file BEFORE uploading on Blackboard.

Sources for HR related articles

This assignment requires each group to identify appropriate sources of information. Conduct an online search for articles on the Human Resources Management[e.g. Diversity, Technology or Globalization] and related issue/activity that interests your group most on the HBU Library site.To access the library databases, copy and paste the following information into your web browserhttps://www.hbu.edu/About-HBU/The-Campus/Facilities/Moody-Library.aspx

Under the heading FACILITIES, click on the LINK labeled "Find Articles Using Databases", then select the tab "Business". Here you will find two categories: "Quicklinks to General Databases" and "Business Databases".

You may also search and retrieve articles from these sources:

• the websites of HR professional organizations such as the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD).

• Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) white papers


• EEOC.gov

• O*Net

• Academy of Management (Management History Division) and journals, particularly Academy of Management Perspectives and Academy of Management Review

• other academic journals such as Journal of Management, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management History
(Note: Do NOT select articles from newspapers or trade journals.)

Preparing the Short Paper

The opening paragraph(s) of your written report will introduce the topic and the content of the paper should address these areas:

• Trace the evolution or HISTORY of the topic/issue, focusing on how the workplace has changed because of or due to the emergence of the issue

• Situate the topic within the context of TODAY's practice

• Explain the importance or significance and impact of the topic or issue for FUTURE strategic human resource management; consider significant changes or adjustments in practice

In addressing each content area, focus your writing on making a connection between the information presented in the referenced materials and build on the information presented in the course textbook. To the extent possible, try to relate to current practices of human resource management with which you are familiar either through direct experience or press coverage. Use specific examples to illustrate your point(s). Finally, discuss how employees, HR professionals, managers or workers in general, could use the information presented in the article to benefit themselves and/or the organization for which they work. The rubric that will be used to grade your report is posted on Blackboard for your review. Read the grading rubric before you begin writing your report. Be sure that the finished paper covers all of the essential components of the assignment.

The paper should be approximately 8-10, typed (word processed) using double spacing with 1-inch margins. Please use either Times New Roman or Courier 12 point font; Arial 11 point font is also acceptable. Include page numbers (start with page1) in the documentonly.If section headings are used clearly label all sections of the paper.Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are expected.

I. Cover Page

Include title of the paper along with your TEAM number and full name of each member. If your name does not appear on the cover (title) page (for any reason)your grade on this assignment will be zero (0). Do NOT number this page!

II. Body of the Paper

Follow the content guidelines in the "Preparing the Written Report" section above and the grading rubric that is posted on Blackboard. Avoid plagiarism by properly citing direct quotes; resist the temptation to include a source citation for every sentence-list all source materials in the "References" section (III below)

Leave off any identifying information such as the team number. Avoid the use of "running" header information.Concluding paragraph(s) should clearly summarize content and major points about the topic and provide an effective ending to the discussion in the body of the paper.

III. References

Use APA format to reference all source materials for information presented in the paper.

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HR Management: Requirements for hrm toward the future report
Reference No:- TGS01944812

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