Assignment : Professional Development Activity
Attaining a certification as an accountant can further your career a great deal. You have probably done some research on the requirements for becoming a Certified Public Accountant. However, there are several other certifications available in the accounting profession as well.
Some of the other certifications that are available to those in the accounting profession are as follows:
? Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
? Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
? Certified Forensic Accountant (Cr. FA)
All of these designations specialize in areas of accounting and are increasing in numbers and employment opportunities. Exploring the requirements will help you realize that accounting is a very diverse, dynamic and growing career choice.
Visit the following websites:
Certified Management Accountant: (imanet-org)
Certified Internal Auditor: (theiia-org)
Certified Forensic Accountant: (acfei-com/forensic-certifications-crfa)
Prepare a summary of your findings and make sure to address all of the questions listed below. You may use your textbook and outside sources to complete this Assignment. The paper should be a minimum of 2-pages long, double-spaced. All sources should be referenced as sources cited. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should use APA style.
1. What are the requirements for each of the designations listed? Please be detailed in your response and summarize the requirements in your own words.
2. What advantages do you see for each of the designations listed?
3. What disadvantages do you see for each of the designations listed?
4. What career opportunities are available for each of the designations listed? Please provide specific job opportunities in each field.
5. What service(s) does each designation provide to its clients? (The clients can be internal, external, or both).
6. What skill set is needed for each designation and how will these skills help you achieve success in these fields? Please be specific and relate the skills to each designation.