
requirements are1- prescriptive analysis of

Requirements are

1- prescriptive analysis of occupancy through prescriptive code analysis with in- depth information related to the egress.

2- fire scenario design realistic and related to occupancy and thorough.

3- thoughtful analysis performed of occupancy given stakeholder objectives.

4- conclusion is clear and presented in a organized and understandable format.

5- Powerpoint slides and material is readable and graphics support the project.

The project will consist of a written paper and a presentation.

1. Choose an occupancy that normally has an occupant load of at least 50 occupants.

2. Once you have selected the occupancy, you will let the instructor know the occupancy selected and you (and your partner) will provide instructor with a write-up about your selected occupancy. Provide just a brief description of the occupancy and occupants involved.

3. Instructor will review your occupancy and if approved, you will set up a time to discuss the occupancy. The instructor will be the stakeholder and you will be the engineer. As the stakeholder, instructor will provide you with stakeholder objectives and how you should proceed in terms of the life safety analysis of your occupancy.

4. You will conduct a life safety analysis (prescriptive and performance-based of the occupancy)

5. Prescriptive Analysis - at a minimum, this analysis will have the following:
a. Floor plans, occupancy classification, exits
b. Building photos
c. Analysis of fire protection (structural, automatic suppression, detection/alarm, etc)
d. Other protection such as generators
e. Hazards
f. Evaluation of prescriptive code

6. Performance Analysis
a. Fire Scenario design
b. Performance -based analysis
c. Results
d. Conclusions

Class Presentation: You will be presenting your occupancy to the class. It is recommended that you use PowerPoint. You should include pictures and graphics of your occupancy. Calculations should be shown.

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Other Engineering: requirements are1- prescriptive analysis of
Reference No:- TGS0483941

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