
Requirementhave you ever heard a one-hundred-year-old novel

REQUIREMENT:Have you ever heard a one-hundred-year-old novel Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne (1828 - 1905)? Now close your eyes and dream the county in the world (e.g., six continents - North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania) you want to invest/retire/visit with your partner. Ideally, different student group visits different continent so that the whole class can really "travel" around the world in ONE of THREE class sessions for presentation. Then get this country's annual (static) budgets and annual financial reports in order to compare the annual budgets with the annual financial reports. Make sure you can read this country's budgets and financial reports in its local language. Please pick up your home country or a country from the World GDP Ranking in 2014 (https://knoema.com/nwnfkne/world-gdp-ranking-2014-data-and-charts). Detailed instructions are posted in the Assignments content area.

1. Introduction to the country of your choice: (a) Show the country on a world map; (b) Find a video clip (please provide the internet link); and (c) Discuss the country's GDP, population, GDP per capita, major industries, etc. 2. Analysis of variance between the country's overall annual (static) budgets and financial reports (sometimes there is no perfect match between its annual budgets and financial reports): (a) Make graphic pie charts (in percentage) for its annual (static) budgets and financial reports: one for major revenue categories, and another for major expenditure categories, and (b) Explain the difference between annual (static) budgets and financial reports.
3. For TWO or THREE major ministries of your interest (e.g., Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Education), discuss and measure their performance.
4. Analysis of the country's critical decision making: (a) capital budgeting decision (e.g., infrastructure), and (b) other decision than capital budgeting, if applicable.
5. Discussion of possible ethical dilemma that the country faces.
6. Analysis of the country's sustainable development strategy and some areas interesting to you and your partner.
7. Decision Making: after above analysis, you still you want to invest/retire/visit with your partner in your chose country? Please also make suggestions for the country. 

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Microeconomics: Requirementhave you ever heard a one-hundred-year-old novel
Reference No:- TGS01215293

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