Reproductive health and safe sexual practices

Assignment task: Reproductive health and safe sexual practices for first-year university students.

1. Intervention Design and Delivery

a) Formulate a clear aim and objectives (maximum 4) that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound) b) Define the target group and explain the audience segmentation i.e., age, sex, ethnicity, or other variables. c) Explain and justify the methods applied. They need to be logical, realistic, and detailed in design; apply health promotion planning model as appropriate and justify your choice. d) Resources (funding) need to be identified accurately start-end e) Time frame: Clear, realistic and to include planning, evaluation & follow up f) Budget plan: Realistic, accurate and all resources are included.

2. Evaluation

a) Describe and explain your plan evaluation approach. b) Processes, from what perspective will the plan be measured? That is who will benefit from the objectives and outputs? How will these be measured and what targets need to be met or comparisons can be made to judge success. c) Impact / short & medium break down the measures into these time frames and state how they will be measured and by whom etc. d) Outcome / long term what is the ultimate outcome expected and how, when, where will it be evaluated 30 marks

3. Conclusion

Please provide a brief explanation of the expected impact that the health promotion intervention you have designed will have on the chosen community/population group

4. Reference

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Other Subject: Reproductive health and safe sexual practices
Reference No:- TGS03362424

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