
Reprioritization of overall health spending

Problem: A focus on primary health care could entail reprioritization of overall health spending to that area. Yet, this week your reading focuses less on overall spending allocations and more on the structure of how primary health care is delivered. Recall that the Alma Ata Declaration, called for 'Health for All' identified three areas for rethinking: 1) identification of 'appropriate technology;' 2) an opposition to health elitism; and 3) concept of health as related to overall socio-economic development?

For the sake of spurring conversation in this week, please identify which of the three above areas you consider to be the most challenging for health reformers to tackle. Explain your reasoning as to why. E.g. How would you do it practice? What opposition would you anticipate? The opposition might be from politicians, health practitioners, patients, industry, or others. For specifics, you may draw your analysis from the country cases introduced this week.  (Note: I'm looking for clear evidence of learning from the course materials. Please draw from the course syllabus to frame and analyze the issues.)

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Other Subject: Reprioritization of overall health spending
Reference No:- TGS03221216

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