Community Based Learning Project
Volunteer 4 hours of your time through one or a combination of the listed activities then write a summary report a minimum of 250 words per hour volunteered.
Reports should be submitted via the link below as a Word document attachment. If you participate in multiple activities, consolidate all reports into one document.
Activity Options:
- Volunteer with a local volunteer organization (e.g. Red Cross, city volunteer group, hospital, Salvation Army, United Way, animal shelter, food pantry, etc.)
- Attend a local VOAD meeting
- Attend a Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting
- Attend a Skywarn training/meeting session; available seasonally
- Attend a local amateur (ham) radio club meeting
- Have another idea? Email the instructor for approval in advance.
Provide the following information for EACH activity in which you participate.
- Meeting attended or Volunteer Organization
- Date
- Time (Start and Finish times)
- Name of Volunteer Supervisor or Meeting Chair
Write a minimum of 250 words for each hour you volunteered.
For example, if you volunteer 2 hours for the local food pantry and attended a 2 hour VOAD meeting, you will submit two 500 word reports. One report for each activitiy.
Volunteer Experience Report Questions
- Volunteer duties/accomplishments
- What type of volunteer were you- unskilled, profesesional, etc.?
- Did you receive any training?
- Did you feel valued?
- Observations
- Problems encountered
- How do your volunteer hours benefit the organization and augment the services they would be able to provide otherwise?
- What actions could the organization take to improve their volunteer program?
- What did the organization do well?
Volunteer and Response Agency Meetings
- Provide an overview of agenda items discussed
- Observations/Problems/Recommendations
- What is the role of this organization in disaster response?
- What types of agencies were represented at the meeting?
- If you were a Volunteer Coordinator, would regular participation in this meeting be a good use of your time? why or why not?