
Reports in microbiology

Select one (1 only) of the following articles and write a critical review.

This is the article that you can found by GOOGle :

2. Fajardo E, Metcalf CA, Chaillet P, Aleixo L, Pannus P, Panunzi I, et al. Prospective Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Dried Blood Spots from Finger Prick Samples for Determination of HIV-1 Load with the NucliSENS Easy-Q HIV-1 Version 2.0 Assay in Malawi. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Apr 17;52(5):1343–51.

These papers can be found and downloaded in PDF format at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) journals website. As RMIT subscribes to ASM journals, this paper is accessible to you as an RMIT student, provided you log into the RMIT library. Students will need to find the PDF and download it themselves- learning the skills to locate and access current scientific literature is one of the learning objectives in this course.


For students who have no previous experience in this type of review, a tutorial on writing the review will be arranged during the semester.

For electronic submissions you can make a screen shot of the report and append this to you your assignment. Electronic submission may be in MS Word, PDF or Pages file formats.

• Refer to the course guide for information on requests for extensions, assignments that are under or over the word limits and late submission.

1. Read through the questions below that are used to assess scientific manuscripts.

2. Read the article you have chosen.

3. Write a review of the article with the following sections:

Summary and Background

Critical Review


General Requirements for assignment.

Reports in Microbiology are written in scientific format. The purpose of scientific writing is to inform the reader of the procedures and results of an experiment. The introduction section provides the background and context for the reader. The writing should be clear, logical and easy to understand. For this reason scientific writing usually follows a defined format.

The report should be word-processed. Use font 12 or higher and double space the report. Include a computer word count and usually at least one table or figure with results should be included. Pages should be numbered. Please use the Vancouver Referencing style in your report. The easiest way to do this is to use referencing software (eg. Endnote). Students can access this through the RMIT library. Please ask for advice on installing and using Endnote at the library or IT.

In a scientific report, it is important to write as clearly and precisely as possible. After writing the first draft, read the report and see if you can reduce the word count by good precise scientific writing. The word limit for any report does not include tables, figures or reference list. This word limit is for the entire report, not for each individual exercise.

Students should use their word processing software to generate a word count and record the word count on the coversheet of your assignment.

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Reference No:- TGS01426186

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