Each year over 1,000 college students die in alcohol-related deaths, often in cases that involve binge drinking. Harvard School of Public Health reported in 2004 that 44% of college students are binge drinkers. In an informal anonymous survey conducted in a statistics class shortly after the Harvard report was released, students were asked: "In the past two weeks, have you had (males) more than five alcoholic drinks on one occasion? (females) more than four alcoholic drinks on one occasion?" [This is how experts classify a student as being a binge drinker or not.] The proportion answering yes was 28/66 + 0.42.
a. Report the center, spread, and shape of the distribution of sample proportion, when population proportion is 0.44 and sample size is 66.
b. How usual or unusual is a sample proportion as low as 0.42 in this situation?