
Report-should preliminary investigation into a new system


Assessment (800 words)

This formal business report should present the results of your preliminary investigation into a new system, to be read by organisation management. The topic of your analysis should be your case study provided.

The purpose of this document is to justify the forward movement of your project implementation to the system analysis, design and implementation stages. You are both seeking formal approval for the project, and for the project to be included in a future budget. It should contain the following, but is not limited to:


• Goals / objectives

Investigative findings

• Current state

• Problem description

• Fishbone diagram outlining problem genesis

• Project scope and constraints


• Recommended system

• Feasibility (operational, organisational, cultural, and technical)

• Expected benefits

• Other possible solutions, and why they were not chosen

Optional appendices


Text Format / Layout

The document must be in Microsoft Word format. All text must be formatted using styles. There must be a table of contents, generated from heading level styles. The reference list must be machine generated, for example, from Zotero or Endnote. Visual appearance must be consistent and appealing.


• Presentation of the text

• Structuring of text

• Follows requirements of length, font and style

Follows poorly the requirements related to format and layout. Follows, for the most part, all the requirements related to format and layout. Some requirements are not followed. Closely follows all the requirements related to format and layout.


• All elements of the topics are addressed

• The information is technically sound

• Information based on careful research

• Coherence of information

The essay is not objective and addresses poorly the issues referred in the proposed topic. The provided information is not necessary or not sufficient to discuss these issues. The essay is objective and for the most part addresses with an in depth analysis most of the issues referred in the proposed topic. The provided information is, for the most part, necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues. The essay is objective and addresses with an in depth analysis all the issues referred in the proposed topic. The provided information is necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues.

Quality of Writing

• Clarity of sentences and paragraphs

• No errors and spelling, grammar and use of English

• Organization and coherence of ideas

The essay is not well written, and contains many spelling errors, and/or grammar errors and/or use of English errors. The essay is badly organized, lacks clarity and/or does not present ideas in a coherent way. The essay is well written for the most part, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The essay is for the most part well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way. The essay is well written from start to finish, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The essay is well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way.

References and use of references

• Scholarly level of references

• How effective the references are used in the essay

• Soundness of references

• APA style in reference list and for citations

Most of the references used are not important, and/or are not of good/scholarly quality. There is not a minimum of 4 scholarly resources, and/or they are not used effectively in the essay. References are not effectively used, and/or correctly cited and/or correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style. Most of the references used are important, and are of good/scholarly quality. There is a minimum of 4 scholarly resources that are for the most part used effectively in the essay. Most of the references are effectively used, correctly cited and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style. All the references used are important, and are of good/scholarly quality. There is a minimum of 4 scholarly resources that are used effectively in the essay. All the references are effectively used, correctly cited and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style.

Overriding criterion: Originality and authenticity. If the essay is identified as not being original, and/or not done by the students, the instructor has the right to grade the paper as an F.

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Other Management: Report-should preliminary investigation into a new system
Reference No:- TGS03040142

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