
Report on its performance during the past 5 years you dont

FMIJX: INternational mutual fund

Report on its performance during the past 5 years. (You don't need to compute this return if the information is available.) Determine the actual return for the fund over the 12 months ending December 2015. (This requires you to obtain prices and cash distributions from a source such as Yahoo Finance.) If an investor invested $10,000 at the end of December 2014, how much would his or her investment be worth by the end of December 2015? What is the level of management fees charged by the fund?  Is this reflected in your assessment of return?  Finally, what is the appropriate benchmark this fund should be compared to? Would this investor have been better off if they had been able to invest in the benchmark?

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Business Management: Report on its performance during the past 5 years you dont
Reference No:- TGS01715995

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