
Report on how the referenced news article relates to

TOPIC: "Product"

• Product: A good, service or idea offered to the market for exchange.
• Good: A physical (tangible) offering capable of being delivered to a customer.
• Service: Intangible offering that does not involve ownership. (e.g. only right to use)
• Idea: Concept, issue or philosophy offered to the market

What you need: Current Issues related to Product content and how they impact on Australian business. The impact may be general to the industry or specific to an individual business.

Task Details: Students are to write a max. 300 word review of a newspaper article or website article related to Product.
Students are encouraged to be aware of current Product issues that are taking place both domestically and globally, however articles using relating to Australian business should be used where-ever possible. If international articles are used, students need to identify the relevance for local Australian businesses.

1. Students are required to identify and select one referenced news article that is related to the Product. The referenced news article should be no more than four months old and may be sourced from either print or online news publications.

2. Report on how the referenced news article relates to Product, identifying the implications for Australian business. The report should not exceed 300 words.

Sample of source:

Type the key word in the "search"


Key words for Market Segmentation, targeting and positioning

Market segments
Target market
Mass marketing
Demographic segmentation
Consumer profile
Brand positioning

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Marketing Management: Report on how the referenced news article relates to
Reference No:- TGS01375058

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