
Report on gene and related proteinand determine chromosome

a. Report on Gene and Related Protein

b. The name and gene code for your gene product/protein.

c. Determine chromosome location of your gene. Paste a picture of the chromosome from MAP VIEWER into your report and describe.

d. Identify the size of the coding region of your gene, include a link to the GENE page, and explain what the coding region is. Note: your gene sequence may be very long, do not cut and paste the sequence into your report.

e. Determine the intron /exon structure of your gene including the number of introns and exons. Cut and paste a schematic diagram of your gene into the report, indicate position of introns, and exons, and provide a caption for the figure that describes how the sequence of the primary mRNA transcript is related to the gene (DNA) sequence.

f. Identify the sequence of the mature mRNA and copy this sequence into your report with the appropriate link to this sequence. (Note: the mRNA sequence will actually be shown as a "complementary DNA" or "cDNA." The sequence given in the database is an exact copy of the mRNA sequence, except that it has T instead of U. ) Explain how this sequence is derived from the sequence of the coding region identified above.

g. Identify the Open reading frame in the mature mRNA (Coding sequence, CDS) Find the START codon, STOP codon, and highlight the open reading frame. Explain where translation begins and ends.

h. Translate the first ten amino acids of the Open Reading Frame.

i. Identify the protein sequence, and copy this sequence into your report with a link to the appropriate page. Check the first ten amino acids of the database protein sequence against the ten amino acids you translated above.

j. Compare your (human) gene sequence with the same gene sequence from other species. Copy a representative portion of the sequence alignment into your report that shows the similarities/differences between the human protein sequence and the homologous protein sequence from at least one other species. (Note: sequences will align if you use the Courier font). Explain how the similarity/difference in sequences explains the similarities and differences between species.

k. Paste a picture of the secondary (worm view) and tertiary (space filling) structures of your protein into your report. Note: structures have not been determined for all proteins, so you may have been given an identifier for a similar protein. Describe things about the structure, for example features of the shape, charge, or hydrophobicity.

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Biology: Report on gene and related proteinand determine chromosome
Reference No:- TGS0997932

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