
Report on an investigation that addresses a significant

Business Project Proposal

Prepare plan, carry out and report on an investigation that addresses a significant issue or problem in business relevant to your future profession (this will be one of the following: marketing, HR, accounting or management).

Assessment 1:

Step 1 - Single-page Project Plan

This assignment requires you to submit, a single page project plan. This project plan will contain five components:

1. A statement detailing your ‘field of research' - in this, you must clearly explain the relevance of your field of research for the profession, towards which you are studying.

2. A source of secondary data linked to your chosen field of research. You will be required to either include a website with a link to a publicly available secondary data set, or a short description of how you will use publicly available sources as secondary data.

3. A research question or questions that can be answered with the secondary data set you identified; this requires clarity on the questions and possibly a more detailed definition of variables or key themes to be explored.

4. The search terms you propose to use in Google Scholar to identify literature in the field of the research question.

5. Pick (at least) THREE peer-reviewed scholarly articles that arise from the result of your search and that you think will be suitable to become part of your project's literature review. Write two sentences that combine ALL THREE (or more, if you have chosen more) of these sources (referenced correctly) and provide them in a reference list.


Step 2 - Project Proposal

For this assignment, you will be asked to use the feedback from step 1 to prepare a proposal detailing your proposed project. The proposal is to be written in professional report format and contains the following:

- a short, preliminary literature review that places your project within the context of your profession;
- a focused research aim, and at least one research question; and
- a research plan, including: an overview of your proposed methods of data collection and data analysis; Gantt chart schedule; and clear presentation of data sources.

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Business Management: Report on an investigation that addresses a significant
Reference No:- TGS02563270

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