
Report of the economic strategies committee

Evaluate any three of the seven strategies put up in the Report Of The Economic Strategies Committee.

(see) https://app.mof.gov.sg/data/cmsresource/ESC%20Report/ESC%20Full%20Report.pdf)

Topic Requirements:

The evaluation should include:

a) A discussion of the feasibility of implementing the initiatives identified in each of the three strategies in the context of resources, environment, social and any other factors pertinent to Singapore and its region.

b) Provide suggestions of any other initiatives (within each of the three strategies you have chosen).

c) Pick one initiative from each of the three strategies and make recommendations on how Canadian firms and/or industry can provide the expertise to support the initiatives.

Note: If you are doing this option 2, please download the pdf document in advance of your assignment preparation just in case the website can be unavailable at times.

General Requirements for either Report:

1. The cover page should show the title of your course, the topic, the date, your name, and the word count.

2. The Report must be a MS Word document (.doc files) not exceeding 5000 words (excluding References and Appendices), and preferably between 3000 to 5000 words. It should be typewritten, 1.5 spaced, with a Times Roman size 12-font face and a 2.54cm (one-inch) margin on all sides. All pages should be numbered.

3. When you cite your references, make sure they are in APA Referencing style, as outlined in S. 1.3.8 of the Student Handbook.

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Other Subject: Report of the economic strategies committee
Reference No:- TGS0673704

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