Topic: 'Leonard Joel' Auction House
Word limit: 3000
Minimum of 15 references.
The research report should include:
- a title
- Mindmap
- Identification of issue/s
- literature review
- Solution
- SWOT analysis of solution (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
- Recommendations
- References (quality and correct method of presentation - Harvard style). You must have a minimum of 15 references.
Assessment criteria:
Report must have a clear and appropriate title.
The mind map must be of appropriate depth and help define issue.
Report must clearly identify an issue and present a research question.
Report must use a wide range of relevant literature to assist why the research was undertaken and the outcome of the research.
The solution must be well described, original and creative.
Solution must be viable.
SWOT must be detailed with at least five (5) thoughts in each section.
Report should provide relevant outcomes/conclusions for the business.
High level of English usage& writing skill, succinctness.
Visual presentation (The use of graphs, visuals and scanned photos are essential to your piece of work. Content, layout, neatness, originality of presentation are important to the overall final product).