
Report for the future of healthcare in our country

“This report is really about the future of healthcare in our country. It points out that nurses are going to have a critical role in that future especially in producing safe,quality care and coverage for all patients in our health care system. ”

Dr. Donna Shalala, Chair of the RWJF Committee on the Future of Nursing

Dr. Shalala’s quote is the lead in to our last discussion question. There is no doubt that the future of health care in our country is changing. This change is driven by multiple factors: the Affordable Care Act, the aging baby boomers, the ongoing nursing shortage in certain portions of the United States, and so on.

One of the recommendations in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report is that practice barriers to Advanced Practice Nurses be removed whenever possible to provide health care provider coverage to under served communities. The ability to “practice” has long been an area of concern to the nursing profession…as well as to the physician community.

There are two types of “mid-level” practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician’s Assistants. Before you get sidetracked, we are aware of the movement to call NPs “full level practitioners”. This discussion is not going to be about semantics and word choices, it is going to focus on the two types of health care providers (APNs and PAs). One of the questions you are going to be asked by healthcare workers (MDs included) as well as the general public is:

“What is the difference between an Advanced Practice Nurse and a Physician’s Assistant?”

As you all know, regulations about practice restrictions vary from state to state. This is true for both APNs as well as PAs so we don’t want this discussion to be about practice restrictions, physician oversight, or prescriptive authority. This is a question you should be able to answer quite easily with a little thought…and of course a few well chosen peer reviewed references would be nice as well.

The requirements for your initial post are as follows:

1. Answer the following question: “What is the difference between an Advanced Practice Nurse and a Physician’s Assistant?”

2. Support your answer with at least 2-3 peer reviewed references.

As in our previous discussions, once you enter your initial post into the Forum, the rest of the discussion will open up for viewing and comment. We are looking forward to where this discussion takes all of us.

Discussion Questions:

Overall points are awarded based on the degree to which the submissions contribute to class discussion. Students must show evidence of engagement throughout the duration of the forum and postings that reflect application of the assigned lesson materials.

Score Criteria:

The posts are timely and relevant. The posts demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the required reading and resources provided in the Lessons section of the course. The initial post fully addresses the required content for the Discussion questions. Ideas are supported by scholarly references. The student actively participated throughout the discussion.

The posts are timely, relevant, and self-initiated. The posts reflect understanding of the material presented. The discussion is not fully supported with scholarly references. The initial post addresses the required content for the Discussion question. . The student participated in the discussion in an above average manner.

The posts do not add much to the conversation. The posts reflect minimal understanding of the reading and resources provided. Minimal evidential support is supplied for statements. The initial post addressed the majority of the required content in some manner. The student participated in the overall discussion in an average manner.

Activity in discussion is minimal and posts lack in substance. The postings fail to demonstrate mastery of the material presented in the readings. The posts fail to meet the expected requirements for the discussion questions.

The student failed to participate in the discussion after placing the initial post. The initial post met the assignment requirements.

The student failed to participate in the discussion in any manner.

Critical Elements for a Class Discussion:

Follow the directions for the assignment. Keep the focus on the intent of the assignment and do not allow yourself to drift too far. The following critical elements should guide your postings:

Prepare for the assignment by reviewing the unit content and resources. Students should demonstrate graduate level understanding and analysis of the concepts and the relationships among ideas, identifying hidden assumptions or fallacies in reasoning. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the principles or concepts in the lessons to real-life situations integrating implications for advanced practice. Students should support their opinions with expert opinion through a deep dive into the literature validating thinking and/or broadening perspectives/ understanding of the content.

Cross posts should elaborate upon the ideas of others or content found in the readings/keynotes by adding details, examples, a different viewpoint, or other relevant information. The cross posts should provide original insights or responses which integrates multiple views. (Just saying ditto, I agree, or restating the original post is not considered elaboration.) There should be evaluation and feedback which assesses the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of idea, and provides constructive feedback to classmates.

The original post and cross posts should provide reflection and meaning by describing thoughtfully what the idea means, uncovering new insights. The cross posts should raise questions as to what needs further clarification or discussion. Personal or professional experiences may be integrated into the cross posts, but are not the sole purpose of the cross posts.

The initial post should be entered by the due date indicated in the course schedule which will allow time for classmates to respond. The author should monitor their posts and respond to cross posts from other students. The online discussion should mimic a thoughtful classroom discussion. Therefore, the students should demonstrate promptness and initiative in posting and remain engaged throughout the discussion.

The presentation of the post should demonstrate a clear and concise writing style appropriate to graduate level work utilizing appropriate terminology. References should support posts according to APA formatting guidelines.

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