Report a change in condition

Scenario - Report a Change in Condition: Mr. Flitwick was admitted to the Medical Surgical floor 2 days ago for hip surgery and has been going in and out of controlled A-fib since his surgery, with HR in the 90's. Mr. Jones has a history of A-fib and was on Coumadin 5mg qday and Digoxin 0.25mg qday prior to the hip replacement. He has not had any of these medications since the surgery. This morning, Mr. Jones has gone into an uncontrolled A-fib, with HR 120-130. He is currently asymptomatic and his vitals are stable with a BP 120/80, Temp 98.2, and RR 16. He is resting comfortably in his room. How would you use SBAR to report this change in condition?



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Reference No:- TGS03392604

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