
Replace all motors with 95 efficient motors at a cost of

1. Energy Calculations

Building SF = 20,000 sf

Electric Rate: Use MTSU Utility Rate Schedule - Seasonal Rates

Lighting: 2 watts/sf

hours of operation = 19 hours per day

Motors: One water pump motor, 80% efficient, running continuously, operating against a load of 20kw

Two fan motors, 85% efficient, running continuously, each operating against a load of 15kw

Plug Loads: Misc. equipment totaling 0.25 watts/sf, operating continuously

For the month of April (30 days) calculate the following:

a) The peak monthly electrical demand

b) The total monthly energy consumption

c) The load factor

d) The demand balance (demand total and % for each system type)

e) The energy balance (energy consumption totals and % for each system)

f) The total electrical costs for the month

g) Add a timer to the lighting system that reduces hours of operation by 7 hours per day. The cost to install the timer is $12,000. Calculate the simple payback (SPB)

h) Replace all motors with 95% efficient motors at a cost of $1,000 each. Calculate the simple payback (SPB)

i) Would there be any concerns of double counting of energy savings if you did the ECSMs in g) and h) at the same time?

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Electrical Engineering: Replace all motors with 95 efficient motors at a cost of
Reference No:- TGS01708870

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