Question: Repeat the Monte Carlo simulation in Illustrative Problem using the Alamouti code and plot the error rate performance. Thus, confirm the performance of the MISO system in a Rayleigh fading channel
Problem: Monte Carlo Simulation of an Ny = 2, NR = 1 Multiple Antenna System] Perform a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the error rate performance of an Ny = 2, NR = 1 multiple antenna system that employs the Alamouti STBC. Hence, generate the input to the detector as given in (11.5.10), where the signal points are selected from a QPSK constellation; hu and h12 are statistically independent, complexvalued, zero-mean Gaussian random variables with unit variance; and '71 and '72 are also statistically independent, complex-valued, zero-mean Gaussian random variables with variance u2. The detector computes the estimates as in (11.5.11) and decides on which symbols are closest to 51 and 52 in Euclidean distance. Perform the above computations for N = 10, 000 iterations for any given value of u2, where in each iteration the channel coefficients ( h 11, h 12), the signal points (51, 52), and, additive noise terms (171, 172) are selected independently. Plot the measured symbol error rate as a function of the SNR = 10log1 (Eb/2u2), where Eb= £5/2 is the energy per bit, which may be normalized to unity for convenience.