Question: Consider Example.
(a) Repeat the example with N = 6 instead of N = 16. (Nodes 1,2,4, and 5 send I unit to node 6, while node 3 sends ? with 0 <>? «1.)
(b) Repeat part (a) with the difference that the length dij of link (i, j) is a + Fi ] for a= 1 (instead of Fij). Consider all possible choices of initial routing.
(c) What is the minimum value of x for which the shortest paths of all nodes except node 3 eventually stay constant regardless of the choice of initial routing?
(d) Repeat part (a) with the difference that at each iteration after the first, the length of each link is the average of the link arrival rates corresponding to the current and the preceding routings (instead of the arrival rates at just the current routing).
Example: Consider the 16-node network shown in Fig., where node 16 is the only destination.