
Repeat problem 918 but view the data first through a

Repeat Problem 9.18 but view the data first through a Blackman window. Estimate the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal

Problem 9.18

Investigate the effects of increasing the observation window on the spectrum of a noncoherent sinusoidal signal. Consider generating a sinusoidal signal using parameters A = 1, φ = 0, M = 9.9, and N = 64. Next, compare the magnitude spectrum of this signal when the following number of samples are collected:

(a) 64 samples,

(b) 512 samples,

(c) 1024 samples,

(d) 8192 samples. In all cases, estimate the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal

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Electrical Engineering: Repeat problem 918 but view the data first through a
Reference No:- TGS02180998

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