
Renaissance to the reformation

Sources using MLA or APA style for documentation.

Renaissance Discovery:

Assignment- Consider any interesting topics from the Renaissance to the Reformation. (See modules 12-15) Choose any artist or art form to explore its context, historical background and significance. Be sure to connect the arts and culture within its historical context. Explain why this is a significant discovery in your essay with supporting research.

Begin a research journey to discover more about your Renaissance subject using multiple sources, perspectives, and even disciplines. Be sure to document your sources and make a clear distinction between your voice and the sources. Introduce and follow supporting research in your own words.


The research paper is a larger type of discovery essay that still follows the same academic essay structure that we used in our previous discovery essays. Research is a process of discovery and the research essay needs to be like our discovery essays, just larger and using more sources. Use your thesis to focus and develop your topic throughout your essay by returning to it at the end of your body paragraphs.

The parts of a research paper should include:

. Provide analysis and document your sources. Try to use and include as many sources as possible in your research.

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Other Subject: Renaissance to the reformation
Reference No:- TGS01438114

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