Assignment Problem: Financial Measure of Performance Management on CSL Ltd Company's Remuneration Report
Assignment Topic: Management Control Systems - Remuneration and the measurement of management performance
Assignment Task Details: Each group is to critically review the policies, methods and the methodology that is used by an Australia public company. They are to assess these performance measurement practices specifically in relation to the company's key management personnel as outlined in the Remuneration Report. Note that other Director Remuneration is excluded from this review. In particular, each group should consider the following aspects of their policy and practices:
Question 1: How the performance measurement system measures may affect the ethical behaviour and the culture of the organisation;
Question 2: Which performance measures are likely to have the greatest motivational impacts on management behaviour; and
Question 3: An evaluation of the financial and non-financial measures in achieving desirable outcomes, i.e. those best 'aligned' with shareholder outcomes.
Note: Research should commence immediately on the theory related to this task. Research requirements: Groups are expected to research the academic literature related specifically to executive pay, remuneration, ethical behaviour, motivational theory and management control theory and analyze the way such research relates to the practices of the company they will review. A minimum of twenty peer reviewed academic references are required.
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