Question 1: Name the main methods from where the inorganic ions can be eliminated.
Question 2: Explain the principles and problem in using evaporation and its main use.
Question 3: Explain the principle and problems in using dialysis and its main use.
Question 4: Name the algae which are used for and when are they most helpful in waste treatment?
Question 5: What miscellaneous techniques are as well available for removing the minerals?
Question 6: What are the merits and demerits of lagooning?
Question 7: In brief explain the configuration and operation of a trickling filter unit.
Question 8: Illustrate the purpose of recirculation in a trickling filter?
Question 9: What do you mean by the term hydraulic and organic load?
Question 10: How does temperature influence a trickling filter and biological rotatory contactor operation?
Question 11: Draw a flow diagram of an activated sludge treatment procedure.
Question 12: In brief explain the configuration and operation of a biological rotatory contactor. In what manner is it similar to a trickling filter system?
Question 13: What do you meant by the term mixed liquor?
Question 14: What do you mean by the term waste activated sludge?