Remote procedure call

Q1. The demand paging system on a 32-bit machine by using 20-bit address bus comprises of a page size of 4KB. The process is assigned the first and the last 64MB of its address space of size 2^32. Illustrate how much memory the system employs to hold page tables if:

a) The system consists of one level paging
b) Two-level paging by using 10 bit per level

Q2. What do you mean by remote procedure call? How is it distinct from a local procedure call?

Q3. A hard-disk drives reads ‘120 GB HDD 7200 rpm 3 GB per sec transfer rate’. When the drives consists of a sector size of 512 bytes, then determine the average rotational latency and transfer time to read one disk sector?

Q4. Distinguish between:

a) Fork and exec system call
b) Distributed operating system and Network operating system
c) Internal and External Fragmentation

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C/C++ Programming: Remote procedure call
Reference No:- TGS011457

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