
Remember to follow apa guidelines when paraphrasing or

For your project this week you will need to do the following:

In a minimum of 2 pages, prepare an essay explaining the types of teams that Rasmussen Consulting will need in order to carry out the steps that you mapped out in your strategic plan.

What will be the role of the team members?

Why are these particular teams important for Rasmussen Consulting to properly execute the solution to MovieFlix's problem?

Make sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page for sources that you may have used for your research.

Remember to follow APA guidelines when paraphrasing or quoting information. Don't forget to cite your sources and include in-text citations as necessary.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the ".docx" extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

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Business Management: Remember to follow apa guidelines when paraphrasing or
Reference No:- TGS01388026

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