Remember a time you went to a fair or carnival and recall

Remember a time you went to a fair or carnival and recall the sensory details. In a paragraph containing at least six sentences, describe the experience. Use the following prompts to develop your sentences. Use adjectives (describing words) that create a picture of your experience.

How did the fair or carnival look (sight)?

How did it smell (smell)?

Describe something you touched (touch)?

How did you feel while there (feelings)?

What sounds did you hear while there (sound)?

What kinds of things did you taste while there?

In responding to another student's post, identify four sensory adjectives and replace them with your own choices. [For example: While riding the Super Duper Loop at the carnival, I felt a sour sensation in the pit of my stomach and I knew immediately that the fried okra and the funnel cake were engaged in a battle to re-emerge into daylight. You could replace the adjective "sour" with "caustic."]

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Other Subject: Remember a time you went to a fair or carnival and recall
Reference No:- TGS0619561

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