
relying on your readings for unit i and your

Relying on your readings for Unit I and your personal experience inside and outside of academics, define academic writing in a 100-200 word essay-style response about academic writing. Consider the following questions as you construct your response: What is academic writing? How does academic writing differ from other forms of writing, such as public and business writing? What are some of the conventions of academic writing? What are some of the genres of academic writing? What is important for students to keep in mind when they begin a piece of academic writing? 

Your essay will also be graded on its development and completeness. Be sure that you revise and proofread your response. If you use outside sources, including your textbooks, you need to use quotation marks for lifted language, as well as in-text and reference list citations. If your essay is less than 100 words, you will not receive full credit.

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English: relying on your readings for unit i and your
Reference No:- TGS0490148

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