
Relying on the staircases to growth paper analyze each of

Assignment: Creating Value Through Growth Strategies

Company: Total Life Changes

Word Count: 500 words

Please use the following sources ***

• Baghai, M., Coley, S.C., & White, D. (1996). Staircases to growth. Mckinsey Quarterly. (Note: Be sure to read the sidebars)

• Brown, R. (1991). Managing the "S" curves of innovation. Journal of Marketing Management, 72(2), 189-202. (UMUC Library)

• Hall, S., Musters, R., &Lovallo, D. (2012). How to put your money where your strategy is. Mckinsey Quarterly, (2), 28-38. (UMUC Library)

• Cooper, R.G. &Edgett, S.J. (2010, May/June). Developing a product innovation and technology strategy for your business

• . Research-Technology Management, 53(3), 33-40. (UMUC Library)

• Dobni, C.B., Klassen, M., & Nelson, W.T. (2015). Innovation strategy in the U.S.: Top executives offer their views. Journal of Business Strategy, 36(1), 3-13. Doi:10,1108/JBS-12-2013-0115 (UMUC Library)


1 Relying on the Staircases to growth paper, analyze each of the seven staircases. Which of the seven staircases is your organization using to grow? Which ones would you recommend, why? Does your organization have enough market power so that such growth strategies may help to create value?

2 Which of the resources (platforms of capabilities) mentioned in this paper is your organization implementing? Explain one by one, how they are used, could be expanded and/or could be implemented in your organization. Are they unique resources, why or why not?

3. Does your organization implement the three horizons approach that McKinsey proposes? If so, how are they implemented? If not, make your own proposal for each horizon. Be creative.

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Strategic Management: Relying on the staircases to growth paper analyze each of
Reference No:- TGS02412415

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