
Relying on borrowed powers of ideologies

Write an analytical essay on a specific topic (of your choice) of the film(s) we have screened in this course, and choose the film(s) that you have not explored. The emphasis is on probing key issues in cultural studies rather than summaries/descriptions of the plot(s), since your reader has watched the film(s). The goal is to develop your critical thinking by engaging in debates through the exercise of interpretive analyses. Please keep in mind that you should not repeat your previous work (s) in either this course (e.g. your presentation) or others. The format: double-line space (except quotations), twelve-point font and 5 pages in length.

1. Your paper needs to have a clear and comprehensive thesis as indicated in your title of the paper rather than the name of the film, and state your thesis in your openinging paragraph. Your paper is analyrical in nature, which means you have to address the conflicting issues by going beyond the surface meaning as observe in the film(s).

2. Make sure you develop your argument on the specific issue through reasons instead of either relying on borrowed powers of ideologies or retelling the plot(s) of the film(s). Your descriptive part of the film(s) should not be over 1/5 of your paper length.

3. You have to connect the dots so that you present a coherent analysis rather than a cluster of unrelated viewpoints. If you choose a topic on the compare and contrast films, you have to probe the meaning of similarity and difference beyond the surface, such as what the simiary and difference signify and why they are important in cultural studies.

4. Substantiate your statement with examples from the film(s) with full documentations. Highlight your analytical exploration with the newly gained knowledge in this course instead of taking stereotypical notions for granted.

5. The quality of a paper is based on

a) In-depth analyses of certain issues of the film(s) in the cultural context

b) Effective expressions of the convincing argument beyond the surface meaning

Plagiarism Policy:

ANY instances of plagiarism, intentional or otherwise, will result in automatic failure of the assignment or course, and notification sent to the dean of your college.

Plagiarism is defined as the direct or indirect incorporation of ideas other than your own into your work without proper academic citation. If you aren’t sure whether or not something is plagiarism, the best thing to do is to cite it anyway. If you are not sure about how to cite information properly, you can talk to me at my office hours (M & W 12:30-1:30).

If you have not yet decided your topic, there are some potential toipics for your refernce:

1. Struggle for individual survivals in adversity

How do you interpret the character development of Fugui who has changed from a dandy to a devoted father fighting for the survival of his family in adversity? What may have empowered him to persevere inspite of the fact that he lost both his son and daughter in addition to others? What does his change mean in cultural studies? What is your interpretation of his approach to tough issues?

2. Celebration of cultural vitality

What is the common thread shared by both love stories (the Japanese teacher with Tomoko, and Aga with young Tomoko)? What does the difference signify in the cultural studies? What may have been the key factor that has led different players to participate in the local band? Does globalization have to erase the cultural characteristics of the local pride?

3. Gendered politics

How do you interpret Ju Dou’s attempt to seduce Tianqing in the gendered politics? What is your reading of their affair in the given context? Does the death of Jinshan release Ju Dou and Tianqing from the conventional burden? How do you think of Tianbai’s individuality in this complex situation? What is the underlying idea of the film?

4. Youth in transition

What has render it difficult for (Xiao) Gui and (Xiao) Jian to decide the owernership of the bike? How do you interpret their agreement to share the bike? What may be the reason that has led them to become connected to each other? How do you view the image of Liangui carrying the broken bike walking away? What does it mean in cultural studies?

5. Migrant labors

What is the vicious idea of two con-men? What is the reason that nobody questions their scam? Is there any character development in the film? What does the indiviudal change signifiy in the given context? Who is blind? How do you interpret the end of the film in the large picture?

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Reference No:- TGS01434827

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