The assignment involves an analysis of the dimensions of religious commitment of your selected religion/denomination.
Religious Belief (the Ideological Dimension) refers to what is believed as part of a religion.
1. What do they believe is the divine purpose of humankind?
2. What is the genesis (origin) of this belief?
3. Who are the key persons or events that attributed to their beliefs?
4. Are there any cultural factors that attributed to their origins/beliefs?
Religious Practice (the Ritualistic Dimension) refers to the set of behaviors that are expected of a person who declares belief in a certain religion.
1. What are the rituals performed by this religion?
2. How are the rituals performed and how often?
3. What is the symbolism expressed in their rituals?
4. Do their rituals validate the beliefs?
Religious Feeling (the Experiential Dimension) refers to the inner mental and emotional world of the individual.
1. Observe and describe a worship experience/gathering (setting/mood)
2. Interview a member to determine their feelings about the religion.
2. Are they inclusive or exclusive?
What is your scientific analysis of this religion/denomination?
1. Would you consider it a valid religion/denomination? Why or why not?
2. Would you become a member? Why or why not?
3. Would you recommend membership to anyone else?