
Religious attendance and cause of death over 31 years on

Question: "Religious attendance and cause of death over 31 years" on the CD. For this study, the researchers used a complicated statistical method to assess relative risk by adjusting for factors such as education and income. The resulting numbers are called "relative hazards" instead of relative risks (abbreviated RH), but have the same interpretation as relative risk. Refer to the relative hazards (RH) in Table 4 of the article. Write a sentence or two that someone with no training in statistics would understand, presenting each of the following for those who do not attend weekly religious services compared with those who do:

a. The relative risk of dying from all causes for women under age 70

b. The increased risk of dying from all causes for men under age 70

c. The relative risk of dying from cancer for men age 70+

d. The relative risk of dying from cancer for men under age 70

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Basic Statistics: Religious attendance and cause of death over 31 years on
Reference No:- TGS02567682

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