
Relationships between organisms and their environment


Guidelines for research projects and Presentations:


Ecology is the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. These interactions are usually looked at in the context of “Ecosystems”. For your task, you will choose an ecosystem and prepare a presentation about the ecological relationships. It’s highly recommended that students visit the site and make observations in the field. You may choose from the following:

Terrestrial Ecosystems                     Aquatic Ecosystems

1.    Deserts                                    Intertidal ecosystems
2.    Rainforests                               Coral reefs
3.    Tundra                                     Sea grasses
4.    Savannah                                 Mangroves
5.    Grasslands                                Kelp forests
6.    Coniferous forests                     Estuaries
7.    Deciduous forests                      Rivers
8.    Wetlands                                   Lakes
9.    Wadies                                      Deep sea

Your presentation will have the following parts:

Introduction:Information on the distribution of the ecosystem worldwide and locally if applicable. You also need to address the ecological or economic importance of the ecosystem

Main topics:

The most important environmental (abiotic) factors that influence this ecosystem

The main biotic components (producers and other trophic levels)

You need to draw a food web to illustrate the trophic relationships in this ecosystem

Identify the human impacts on your ecosystem and the measures taken by governmental agencies and/or international organizations to protect the ecosystem


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Other Subject: Relationships between organisms and their environment
Reference No:- TGS01436853

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