
Relationships among cubism and dadaism

Describe and examine creativity as the continuation of, or as a reaction to, an earlier historical art period. Look at two historical periods from the list below and describe the relationships between the periods. As well describe how one period revived or continued the style and features of the other period or how one period originated in reaction to the other period.

• Cubism
• Dadaism

1) Explain the earlier historical art period, features of the style, and social conditions which might have contributed to the advent of this style.

2) Explain the later historical art period, features of the style, and social conditions which may encompass contributed to the advent of this style.

3) Examine the relationship between the historical art periods.

a. Describe similarities or differences between the historical art periods.
b. Describe the main purpose for continuing the tradition of the earlier historical art period or deviating from it.

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Other Subject: Relationships among cubism and dadaism
Reference No:- TGS030901

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