
Relationship-patient safety and organizational culture

Discuss the below:

Create a 200 words or more for each question apa format. Cite references

1. Being a hospital or clinic board member these days is a great big responsibility. The membership has perhaps become a more crucial role for the community than ever before. Summarize the key functions of the governing board in modern healthcare. Would you yourself like to serve on a hospital board someday? Why, or why not?

2. As a member of healthcare senior management, you will need to clearly understand and implement the functions of cultural leadership. Leading thinkers in this area describe six key functions. Briefly describe the intent and implementation of each function here, and provide a relevant healthcare example.

3. Go to the Business Source Complete Database located in the CSU Online Library, and read:

Article Title: More than words

Author: William Corley

What is the relationship between patient safety and organizational culture? What can you learn from this as an aspiring healthcare executive?

Your answer should be at least 300 words in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Any references or citations used should be in APA style.

4.The fundamental-cause theory suggests that those with greater access to resources will experience better health because of those resources, regardless of changes in cause, time, or situation. Do you agree with this theory? Do you believe that this truth only applies to those with a higher social status? Explain your position and provide at least one supporting fact.

5.  Discuss how an individual's race, ethnicity, age, sex, and gender can impact his or her health.

6. It is obvious that there are differences that exist between the health status of people in the U.S. and those in less developed countries. Identify at least one significant health problem or concern for two underdeveloped countries, and compare their statuses in those areas to the U.S.

7. Develop your own opinion about what constitutes social class. Give evidence to support your opinion. Discuss a situation from your own experience in which you personally witnessed the relationship that exists between social class and an individual's health.

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Other Subject: Relationship-patient safety and organizational culture
Reference No:- TGS01853309

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