
Relationship-multiculturalism and cultural assimilation


American popular culture : Education, Multiculturalism

1. What aspects of American popular culture potentially undermine work in the area of human services hope to follow?

2. As we know from this course, we are culturally diverse entities. What aspects of your own diversity greatly impact your cultural competency with other cultural groups or special populations?

3. Encapsulate the federal legislations designed to protect and enhance diversity. Which laws are most effective and which need more consideration? Why?

4. Beyond formal differences in language, how do informal language and communications impact counselor-client relations? Highlight strategy for overcoming language and cultural barriers.

5. Discuss the relationship between multiculturalism and cultural assimilation. Are these concepts polar opposites or can a person operate in both? Explain your perspective by using examples?

6. Select one special population you are interested in assisting. Discuss approach to providing quality, substantive services to clients based on experiences.

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Other Subject: Relationship-multiculturalism and cultural assimilation
Reference No:- TGS01896434

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