
Relationship between two apparently dissimilar objects

Compare different and similar

This is my midterm paper, I need post on turn it in, so can not use any outside works cited. do not focus on the history please more specific to compare the different image.

Since art has a history, comparisons are useful in illuminating the relationship between two apparently dissimilar objects. In this paper, your goal is to highlight that relationship while acknowledging the major differences that also distinguish those objects from one another.

Choose either the Group A questions or the Group B questions. For each question in your selected group, write 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. At the end of your paper, attach a copy of your compared images (black and white is acceptable) with a full identification (title, period/culture, date, patron [if known], and location [if in situ]) in a caption underneath. In formulating your answers, consider the formal, functional, and/or historical elements that unite or distinguish these images from one another. What might account for those similarities and differences? Before you write, it may be helpful to list or outline your ideas as you look for these relationships and distinctions. With that information, devise a thesis statement that clearly articulates the basis for the comparison. Then support your thesis with specific examples from your list. There are two approaches to comparisons—either each paragraph comparesand contrasts the objects point by point, such as: “considering the plans, building A exhibits a central plan, while building B has an axial plan,” OR, a paragraph on building A (“building A has x, y, and z”) followed by a paragraph on building B, (“in contrast, building B has x, y, and z”). It is up to you, but often the first method, the thematic comparison, makes for a stronger paper.

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Other Subject: Relationship between two apparently dissimilar objects
Reference No:- TGS01436318

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