
Relationship between the ruler and the ruled


Discuss the below in a 5 page:

Prompt One: You are in charge of designing a polls, a city state. Because of the enormity of this task, you have invited two political thinkers, Plato and Machiavelli. to give their advice in the creation of the polls. How, exactly, should your polis be structured in order to make a city that is stable and long lasting? What problems, foreign and domestic, can you foresee in the creation of the city and how would each of these thinkers solve them? In answering these questions. you should consider how Plato and Machiavelli would tackle the following:

1. The qualities and education present in the leader(s) of the polls.

2. The role of truth in politics, especially as it relates to the relationship between the ruler: and the ruled

3. Who should hold political power, and for what duration

4. Entertairunent and the arts

5. Monday in political life

A well-thought response to the prompt should be about five double-spaced pages. Assume that the reader has not read either of the thinkers considered: explanation is the first task of the political theory writer. Having explained the relevant ideas of Machiavelli and Plato, give your reasoned analyses of both, ultimately coming to judgements on the validity of the works considered in reference to the creation of a polis. Should we build the Republic. a Machiavellian principality, or a polls that contains some elements of both? Answering that question should require careful refixtion on both thinkers, as well as careful judgement on your part.

Prompt Two: Thus far in the course we have considered two fairly different political thinkers. The first, Plato, attempts to define the ideal polls in The Republic. The second Machiavelli, offers princes or those seeking power practical political advice in his book, The Prince. Having read both, we can see that these thinkers have views on the political as it relates to morality. What, according to both Plato and Machiavelli. is the relationship between morality and politics? In answering this question. make sure to address:

I. Definitions amorality as posed by both authors.

2. How the Icadcr(s) of a society should relate to morality.

3. The goaRs) of politics.

4. The commission of " immoral" deeds such as lying.

Having critically and thoughtfully analyzed these concepts in bath Plato and Machiavelli: whose conceptions of the relationship between morality and politics, if any. do you find compelling? Is morality an absolute that is to be achieved or a tool to be used instrumentally in politics? Again, a successful answer will nxwe beyond mere summary and instead critically evaluate and judge the ideas to be presented both in the books as well as class dicussion

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Business Law and Ethics: Relationship between the ruler and the ruled
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