
Relationship between somatic net and racial stereotyping

Project instructions:

Question 1) Discuss relationship between somatic net and racial stereotyping.

Question 2)Value:One of the surprising findings from a comparison of the different surveys using the Rokeach scale is that the values carried by police officers have not changed over the past 30 years. How can this be? Are police departments capable of value change? How?

Rokeach and Caldero both observed that the police have different values from the policed. In particular, the policed are more likely to rate equal?ity higher than the police.

1. What might be some of the consequences of the police having different values from those of the public they serve?

2. Do you think that the presence of police with different values from the public is a problem? Why or why not?

Question 3. There is a much debate in the field regarding the Blanco and Zain case- with strongly held opinions on both sides. Where do you stand? Are either guilty, in your eyes, of ethical violations? If so, what? Would you characterize either has having committed Noble Cause violations?

Question 4. There is no doubt that the fields of the forensic sciences are in a state of rapid flux. Recently, Radley Balko and Roger Koppl wrote a column on the continuing problems endemic in forensic science. Within its text, it claims that “bad science” is rampant in forensic science disciplines with calls for vast reform.

There are a number of specific charges that Roger Koppl levies against forensic science in the reading.

Please explain, in detail, which of these factors above are the most important reasons for the problems raised in this week’s and last week’s readings.

More importantly, which of the above are the most important factors for the ethical violations discussed in this week’s readings?

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Other Subject: Relationship between somatic net and racial stereotyping
Reference No:- TGS01436404

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