
Relationship between sociology and other social sciences

Section: A

Answer the given question in around 500 words each.

Question 1: Describe the relationship between Sociology and other Social Sciences.

Question 2: Describe the fundamental features of Social Organization in simple societies with illustrations.

Section: B

Answer the given question in around 250 words each.

Question 3: What do you mean by the term Post-Industrial Society? Delineate its major features.

Question 4: What is the importance of kinship? Do all societies encompass kinship system?

Question 5: Describe the relationship between consumption and production.

Question 6: Describe some of the elements of the Social Conflict with illustrations.

Section: C

Answer the given question in around 100 words each.

Question 7: What do you mean by the term Stateless society?

Question 8: Distinguish between the terms Sects and Cults.

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Other Subject: Relationship between sociology and other social sciences
Reference No:- TGS02447

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