
Relationship between religion and social issues

Case Study:

Consider the following question when developing your thesis: Why should the reader of your paper care about the claims your making? Does your analysis change the way we read the novel? Or does your analysis help us to understand something about race in our society today?

Religion no matters the denomination has been used over the years to fight for social justices and against social injustices. The opposite is also true; religion has been used to oppress and maintain status quo in the society. In the bible for example teachers of law used to manipulate the doctrine to come up with oppressive laws and manipulated the same doctrine to put away those who challenged their interpretations (King et al., 2007).

Martin Luther King too was never an exception, he rose through the reams of religion and went on to use the same platform to fight for social justice, racial equality, civil rights, voting rights for blacks, apartheid and use of poverty as a weapon against the black Americans. His actions also led to the 1964 Civil Rights Acts and 1965 Voting Rights Act which ended discrimination against blacks and also secured their voting rights. He also opposed the Vietnam War. Unfortunately, his activities led to bus boycott plus though his was nonviolence strategy, his followers with time resulted in violence to fight racist whites. In the end, his activities though meant to help the blacks in America led to his assassination.

There exists a strong relationship between religion and social issues of the society. Therefore, religion impacts on social issues of the society both positively and negatively

Martin Luther King Jr was an African-American Civil Right activist and a Baptist minister in America. He was born on 15th of January 1929 and died on April 4th, 1968. He was best known for his role in advocating for civil right using nonviolence measures (King III and King, 2008). He also fought for equal treatment for all Americans no matter the race. He was special in all his work since it was based on the Christian beliefs, which were hard for most people to accept.

Martin Luther King Jr became a civil right activist at a very early age in his life. He led several demonstrations that occurred in the late 50s and early 60s. By mid-1960s he had become very popular among the minority groups in the American continent. He received a Nobel Peace Prize on October 14th, 1964 for fighting against racial inequality through nonviolence measures. Martin Luther in his book said that the segregation of the minor groups in the corporate America was unacceptable and that every single person had the right to be treated equally (King III and King, 2008). The major themes in hi9s work included racism, spiritual beliefs, violence, freedom, and Kings Inspirations. On his biggest speech "I have a dream" which was based on the theme of racism, he believed, " I dream, of a day when my four kids will live in a nation where they will be judged by the composition of their character but not by the color of their skin." According to Anthony Dinh, the theme of spiritual beliefs is well discussed in the book "The Believer in the Social Gospel and Nonviolence" (King, Carson, and Carson, 2007)
King demonstrates the relationship between the minority groups in the American continent. All the minority groups were ill-treated in all field from schools, social places such as the church and even in the cooperate word (Lischer, 2011). The issue of racial segregation was unbearable in the United States, and most African American was forced to live in hiding in remote areas. King stood up for the minority groups and brought out a common relationship about them.


King III, L., & King, (2008). The Terms of Martin Luther King, Jr. Newmarket Press.

King, L., Carson, C., & Carson, S. (2007). The documents of Martin Luther King, Jr: Advocate of the social gospel, September 1948-March 1963 (Vol. 6). Univ of California Press.

Lischer, R. (2011). The Preacher King: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Word that Moved America. Oxford University Press.

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