Relationship between procrastination and

Study Guide Questions for the Articles on Time Management and Stress Management

From the Article on "Making of a Perfectionist"

1. How does perfectionism reduce creativity and innovation?

2. How does perfectionism reduce playfulness and the assimilation of knowledge?

3. How does perfectionism create a lot of negative emotions?

4. How do perfectionists tend to perceive their parents?

Having been or currently overly critical

5. How does a parent's pushing for perfection interfere with a child's developmental needs?

If my sense of self is based on just my accomplishments, then I am only as good as what I achieve.

6. What is the "perfection paradox?"

7. Why are children of working-class immigrants sometimes considered better workers than the "fancy kids" who are from wealthier families with American born parents?

From article on Procrastination called "Stand and Deliver."

1. List 3 of the physical problems associated with procrastination?

2. What is the most common myth among procrastinators?

3. What is the main reason people procrastinate?

4. What is the relationship between procrastination and perfectionism?

5. What is the connection between thrill-seeking and procrastination?

From the Article on "One Student's Story"

1. What did Allys LePage due to turn around her problem in balancing college/work/personal life?

From Article on "Stress and the College Student"

1. List three indicators that you may be experiencing stress.

2. What are three physiological changes that occur in people who are stressed?

3. List three of the common stressors in college life noted in the article.

4. Why do the college years some time bring about symptoms of past trauma?

5. What do we know about the rates of stress in college students compared to those who attended college 15 years ago?

6. How do some people use stress as an excuse to avoid getting emotionally attached to others?

7. List 3 things people do to stay stressed or increase their stress level.

8. Explain how the College Readjustment Rating Scale can be a useful tool for stress management.

9. Give an example of a positive affirmation

From the Handouts on the Three Positive Coping Techniques:

1. Try each of the Positive Coping Techniques (I, II and III) for at least 5 to 10 minutes and then explain which of these techniques you are more likely to use in the future and why.

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Other Subject: Relationship between procrastination and
Reference No:- TGS01117012

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