Question 1:
(a) Describe the factors which contributed to the adoption of structural adjustment programme by a majority of Least Developed Countries in the 1980s?
(b) Explain the common set of problems that developing countries usually face.
(c) Critically assess whether education is a source of economic development and growth.
Question 2:
(a) Explain the dissimilar forms that foreign aid may take.
(b) Does foreign aid lead to economic growth? Explain.
Question 3:
(a) Make a distinction between economic growth and economic development.
(b) Explain why development should be conceived as a multidimensional procedure involving major changes in every aspect of a society.
Question 4:
(a) Describe the meaning of poverty. In brief explain how poverty is measured?
(b) Clearly describe the relationship between Poverty, Economic Growth and Inequality.
Question 5:
Using instances of Least Developed Countries, describe the causes and consequences of market failures.