
Relationship between placement and iep in physical education


1. Research on two disabilities and write a fact sheet on that specific disability. The factsheet should include the following:

a. Name of the disability

b. Causes of the disability

c. Motor characteristics ( if any ) related to the disability

d. Cognitive characteristics ( if any ) related to the disability

e. Behavioral characteristics ( if any ) related to the disability

f. Health problems ( if any ) associated with the disability Provide a detailed list of references, APA style, and organizations - include address and phone number

2. Identify two websites about the disability you chose and provide a summary of the information available on each website. Include the URL for each website using APA style.

3. IEP Manual: Write a brief manual on the IEP that can be shared with other regular Physical Educators.

Include the following in this manual:

A. What are the basic requirements regarding physical education for children with disabilities as discussed in IDEA?

B. What is IEP? What is the purpose of having IEP goals and objectives for physical education?

C. Do all students with disabilities need specific IEP goals and objectives for physical education? If not, what children with disabilities require IEP goals and objectives for physical education?

D. Who should be involved in writing IEP goals and objectives for physical education? What is the role of the regular physical educator in writing these goals and objectives

E. Describe the process for developing an IEP in physical education from child find to actually writing the IEP? What is the role of the regular physical educator in this process?

F. Who should be included in an IEP for physical education? (Include a detailed example of how to write an IEP goal and objective for physical education)?

G. Who must be present at an IEP meeting? Does the regular physical educator have to attend?

H. What is the relationship between assessment and the IEP in physical education? What types of assessment are appropriate in physical education?

I. What is the relationship between placement and the IEP in physical education? What are the arrays of possible placements for physical education?

J. Who is qualified in your state to create, implement and evaluate the physical education portion of the child's IEP in physical education?

K. Who evaluates IEP in physical education? Who (if anyone) is held accountable for the student's progress (or lack thereof) on the IEP objectives? What happens if the students does not make progress?

L. What happens at the end of the year what information should I bring to the end of the year IEP in physical education meeting?

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Science: Relationship between placement and iep in physical education
Reference No:- TGS03181614

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