Question 1:
a) In brief describe the relationship between nutrition, health and nutritional status.
b) List out the functions and food sources of vitamin A and calcium.
Question 2: In brief describe how the nutrient needs of adults are influenced by the given factors.
a) Activity level.
b) Body size or composition.
c) Age.
Question 3:
a) List out any four dietary considerations which should be kept in mind while planning meals for each of the given:
a) One year old child.
b) Adolescent Girl.
Question 4: What are the main objectives and components of the:
a) Mid-day meal program.
b) ICDS.
Question 5:
a) Enumerate the home-scale food preservation techniques.
b) Comment on the measures you would adopt to improve the nutritive value of foods.
Question 6: In brief discuss the dietary modifications or preventive measures for:
a) Diabetes Mellitus.
b) Iron DeficiencyAnaemia.
Question 7: What are the various records you would maintain in a food service unit? Explain.
Question 8: List out the various methods used for the assessment of nutritional status. How are anthropometric measurements used in the assessment of nutritional status?