
Relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior

Discussion Problem:

Post a brief description of the journal, along with the journal's name, how often it is published, the type of research it publishes, and the URL. Then, address the following:

In this week's resources among the "Top Forensic Psychology Journals" I reviewed the Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice.  This journal provides current research on information that would benefit those working in the field of forensic psychology.  It provides research on new programs, technologies, specific case-studies, within the field of forensic psychology.  However, research provided in this journal also includes content related to other fields such as criminal justice, social work, sociology, juvenile delinquency, etc. There are five issues of this journal published each year.  This journal was formerly known as the Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice from 2001-2016. Need Online Assistance?

What did you notice about the topics that are covered?

I noticed several articles discussing the relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior.  There were several articles that discussed childhood factors including Adverse Childhood Experiences and the relationship to criminal offending and other factors. Because I teach sociology and criminal justice classes, I find topics around childhood trauma interesting.  I am aware of how important socialization, specifically when it includes childhood trauma, acts as a risk factor for juvenile delinquency.

Which articles interest you? Why?

One article I found particularly interesting was investigating adolescents' understanding of Miranda rights.  This is something I discuss with my students in the juvenile delinquency courses I teach, so it sparked an interest in me.  This article assessed the differences in understanding of an individual's Miranda rights between two populations.  They compared the understanding among youth who were currently in the juvenile justice system between youth attending a private high school (Haney-Caron, et al., 2023).  The results showed that those in private high school were more knowledgeable about Miranda rights, compared to those who were already in the juvenile justice system.  They contributed some of these differences to the adolescent's overall IQ score.  Those youth still in the community had higher IQ scores than those in the juvenile justice system.  These results, in my mind, have concerning implications.  

Did anything surprise you? Why, or why not?

The results of the above-mentioned study did surprise me.  I would think, or at least hope, that those who have been charged and found guilty of a crime would have a working definition of Miranda rights.  Additionally, this article also informed me that this was the first study ever completed on this specific topic, which I also found surprising.

Is the journal aligned with your career objective(s)? Why, or why not?

Yes, I find this journal very much aligned with my career objective, whatever that may be.  I find this journal beneficial in my current career as a professor of sociology and criminal justice.  However, should I pursue a career as a forensic psychology consultant it would also be a beneficial resource.  Most importantly, I am here to learn, and I found the articles in this journal fascinating and informative.


Haney-Caron, E., Kalbeitzer, R., Kelley, S., Riggs Romaine, C., Zelle, H., Strachan, M. K., ... Goldstein, N. (2023). Adolescents' Understanding and Appreciation of Miranda Rights: Comparison of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System and in the Community. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 24(5), 615-632.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Top psychology journals: Top forensic psychology journals

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