
Relationship between marketing research customer

Proposed topic: Relationship between marketing research, customer knowledge,and business sales.

The Outline research template and the Ethics Forms should be completed.

Research Integrity Approval Form

Section 1: Research details
Matriculation number:
Title of proposed dissertation

Section 2: Details of the research methods to be used
How will the data be collected (please outline all methods that you propose to utilise (e.g. self-completion questionnaires, structure interviews; semi-structured interviews; focus groups, etc).
What data collection tools will be used:

Where will the data will be gathered (e.g. in an organisation, on the street, at an event, on-line, etc).

How will the data sample be selected (e.g. random, cluster, sequential, network sampling, etc.).

Section 3 - research subject details
Who will be the research subjects in this study?

How will research subjects be invited to take part (e.g. letter, email, asked in lecture, etc).

Explain how informed consent will be achieved.

Will participants be free NOT to take part if they choose?

Will any individual be identifiable in the findings?

How will the findings be disseminated? For example, do you plan to provide participating organisations with a summary of findings?

Is there any possibility of any harm (social, psychological, professional, economic etc) to participants who take part or do not take part? Give details.

How / where will data be stored? Who will have access to it? Will it be secure? How long will the data be kept? What will be done with the data at the end of the project?

Attachment:- Research template.rar

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Marketing Research: Relationship between marketing research customer
Reference No:- TGS02625336

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