
Relationship between interpersonal violence and trauma


Task Overview and/or Description : Read each scenario and answer the following questions: (ensure you include responses in relation to all 3 scenarios)

1. What are the legal and ethical considerations in these scenario's? (Ensure you look at the assessment criteria below when answering this question)

2. What are some of the common values and beliefs of the general community towards people who are outlined in the scenarios below and how can this impact on them accessing services?

3. How can you collaboratively identify a person's needs around trauma (considering elimination, minimising and managing of potential triggers)?

4. What are some of the impacts on the development of the people who have experienced trauma in these scenarios? (Ensure you consider here common biological, psychological and social impacts of trauma)

5. What triggers and 'flashback' (re-experiencing), re-victimisation and re-traumatisation could the people in these scenarios experience?

6. How can you determine if you and your community service can meet these needs? Describe 2 mental health trauma specialist services in a geographic area that you could refer each of these client's to. (6 in total). What will be your approach when referring a client to these services? What process should you follow with the client and considerations when making this referral (Remembering empowerment and self advocacy, collaboratively referring and fostering choice for the person)?

7. How will you follow-up the referral? How often?

8. How can you ensure an individual support plan recognises trauma? What are your considerations regarding developing these?

9. Identify how general and mandated services can impact a client with triggering trauma and re-traumatising a person? How can you minimise this impact or eliminate it if possible? (Consider in this answer other services like compulsory treatment, seclusion and restraint)
Answer the questions in red specific to the scenario they are allocated to.


Hanan and Madina fled Afganistan 2 years ago. They brought their 5 year old daughter Saba with them. They experienced significant trauma in Afganistan after losing their 8 year old son Razi to a NATO air strike. They have lived through and experienced war in their country for many years. They are currently living in a refugee detention centre (Melbourne Immigration transit accommodation centre) looking to be processed to live in Australia. You are assessing them in relation to their needs to re-settle in Australia. They tell you they are desperate to get out of the detention centre. Upon hearing their story you want to discuss the impact of trauma (Cumulative trauma) with them and make appropriate referrals for them.

Answer the following questions:

10. How can you ensure your response here is a culturally competent one?

11. What is the significance of loss and grief for people who have experienced this kind of trauma (Consider more than family loss)?

12. How can you feed back the information about the impact of trauma in a culturally and age sensitive way?

13. How do you need to respond to disclosures of past, current trauma or abuse empathically?


You are a worker in a homelessness crisis service. James and Bob have fostered a little girl Sophia who is 4 years of age. They have had her since she was 2 years old. James comes to your service looking for a place to live because Bob has been violent towards James for the last year now. James is feared for his life and says the abuse is out of control now. He tells you this is not the only trauma he has experienced in his life. His Uncle sexually abused him at the age of 7. You can see that James has a black eye and cut lip. He is not worried about Sophia as he does not think Bob with hurt her as he has never done this in the past. He tells you Sophia has witnessed the abuse though.

Answer the following questions:

14. What are the gender differences in the application of trauma informed care?

15. What is the relationship between interpersonal violence and trauma?

16. How can you develop a safe relationship and provide an environment that provides safety, trust, choice and control for the client?


Hannah attends your Alcohol and Other drug service. You can see she has been cutting her arms, stating she wants to end her life. She appears really distressed. She advises you that she has been diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder and is taking a medication called Lithium. Hannah started using alcohol at a young age and now uses methamphetamine. She says she takes the drugs to forget. She tells you that she lived with her mother and father until the age of 13. She left because she did not want to witness the abuse of her mother nor be abused herself by her father anymore. However, living on the streets was difficult for her and she had been in other abusive relationships where she had been raped. She has also been in mental health inpatient units the last being 2 weeks ago (involuntary) where she breached her community treatment order. She says she has had enough at the moment and can't stand the pain she feels all the time. She says the only relief she gets is from her drugs.

Answer the following questions:

17. What could be the links between suicidality, self-harm and interpersonal trauma

18. How can you help the person identify the connection of trauma to their mental health issues?

19. What kinds of emergency situations could arise working with people experiencing trauma? What assistance would you need to seek and how would you respond?

20. If a client is in distress what communication strategies and conflict resolution, negotiation, diffusing and de-escalation skills can you use to resolve the issue?How can you respond/manage a person's distress that is reflective of an understanding of trauma?

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• Assessment Cover Sheet

• Completed report

• Bibliography

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Other Subject: Relationship between interpersonal violence and trauma
Reference No:- TGS02048850

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