Relationship between feedback loops and Organizational Learning (OL)
1. Please provide a scholarly definition of "Organization learning (from a peer-reviewed journal.) There are many differing definition of OL - and many opinions on precisely how organizations learn ( or if they can even learn at all). Some notable theorists include Chris Argyris, Peter Senge, Bente ELKjaer, James G. March, Herbert A Simon, Mark Easterbay-Smith, and Fiol & Lyles, among innumerable others.
2. Is there a difference between the notion of Organizational Learning (OL) and that of the "Learning Organization (LO)? Are we anthropomorphizing organizations when we say that they "learn"?
3 Please describe the extent to which you believe Google is also a "Learning Organization" If so, how does the organization "learn"? What has organization "learned, and through what mechanisms?